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I’ve just come out of the HCL6F rewards evening and, despite being rather hungry and definitely end-of-term sleepy, I am buzzing!Great guest star in Steve Leeson of but the highlight for me was Student President Ruweida’s vote of thanks - calm, clear, assured.


This was the induction assembly for prospective students joining Year 12 in September 2024 from our Executive Principal. Wise, striking, and occasionally rhyming words.


Looking forward to our rewards evening at Harris Clapham Sixth Form - the third year is coming to an end and we have a group of amazing students to celebrate!


Happy Monday! Today at Harris Clapham Sixth Form we have an exciting Careers Day planned.To start the day off, our students had an assembly by our Vice Principal Mr Lloyd on the UCAS process


I get a badge for this one and everything!


Last week Our Year 12 Sociology, Politics and History students enjoyed a tour around the UK Parliament today. Here are some of them in the House of Lords looking as noble as any of the 92 Hereditary peers who sit in the UK's second chamber!


Last week during enrichment, walking club enjoyed the sunshine and nature in Clapham Common and had a pleasant afternoon together.


Mr Lepretre’s lexicon for this week!


An exciting House competition update. Here at Harris Clapham Sixth Form, we currently have House Morris in first place, Franklin in second and Kahlo and Mendes in joint third. With one more House competiton, there is still all to play for!


Last Friday, we had a moving Year 13 Assembly followed by a fun student led Soirée. It was a lovely way for the community to come together and celebrate Year 13’s journey with us.


It’s a two assembly week, so as well as linguistically interesting advice for year 12s, we have a timely sporting analogy for Year 13:


This afternoon’s Year 12 assembly at introduced me to a new word and has left me pondering its plural. A mumpsimus is an error determinedly continued despite correction, but is it two mumpsimi, mumpsimuses, mumpsimodes?


Exciting to see our assemblies quoted in the news (not a lot of sixth forms can claim that):


Today, our Student President Ruweida and one of our Vice Presidents Sarah went over to to deliver some words of wisdom to the Year students about how to prepare for Year 11 next year.#community


This week students from the Clapham Cultural Society organised an Eid celebration for our school community. This included a session on Eid Al-Fitr, quizzes and games, henna designing and a bake sale. More than £100 was raised for charity!


A glimpse of Enrichment at Harris Clapham Sixth Form through photos 👇.Enrichment choices range from Tennis to Photography to Gardening: We believe that these experiences will empower students to thrive in various aspects of their personal, academic and professional lives.


Here’s our word of the week from Mr Lepretre, teacher of English


A book recommendation by Bushra (Y12). She described the book as “A thriller with a good plot that makes youquestion who to trust”


Lessons that you can learn from Jake and Elwood Blues, from Aretha Franklin, from Erasure, and from Barbie (part 1).


As part of House Morris Day, students took part in a scavenger hunt and a cupcake icing competition!

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















UCAS and Careers

UCAS and careers are coordinated by the Vice Principal, Mr Lloyd - with the aim of ensuring students are provided with the necessary information to make an informed decision regarding their future. All students in Year 12 receive a careers interview from a Federation approved careers advisor and students receive a UCAS mentor, who will guide them through the process.

Harris Clapham Sixth Form provides a number of opportunities, which will help our students make a competitive UCAS application:

  • Specialist talks
  • Summer School opportunities
  • Comprehensive in-house support


Students start preparing and thinking about UCAS at the beginning of Spring Term, where they’ll receive assemblies on Oxbridge, Medicine and the UCAS process. Students are encouraged to conduct research into various courses and universities by using the UCAS undergraduate search tool.

Visit the UCAS undergraduate search tool page

Over the Easter holidays and summer term 1, students will complete a centralised spreadsheet outlining which course they would like to study and possible universities (although these may be subject to change) and from this, mentors will then be assigned. In summer term two, students will meet with their mentors to discuss their initial choices and will be asked to complete a draft personal statement for their mentor to review over the summer break. In addition, all students take part in a Personal Statement Day, which takes place one morning in July. During this day students will also sign up to UCAS and complete some of their details.

When students return in the autumn term as Year 13s, they will meet with their mentor a further two times in order to finalise the following:

  • Their personal statement
  • Their course choice
  • Their university choice - dependent on predicated grades

Students pay for their UCAS application and once they press send this will automatically go to the Vice Principal before being finally sent off to UCAS and their universities. All personal statements, references and applications are thoroughly checked by subject staff and senior leaders before being sent to UCAS.


  • Late September: all Oxbridge/Medicine candidates have their applications finalised and completed
  • Mid-October: external deadline for all Oxbridge/Medicine applications
  • Late October: students sit Oxbridge and BMAT entrance examinations
  • Autumn 2: all remaining applications are finalised and sent to UCAS
  • Late March: external deadline for all Art and Design applications

Predicted Grades

Predicted grades are ambitiously realistic and are based holistically on student performance over Year 12 in a range of assessments as well as their End of Year (EOY) examination performance in the summer or AS (if applicable). If a student is applying to Oxbridge or Medicine, their predicted grades will be finalised in September. All other applicants have Remembrance 1 as a last opportunity to improve their predicted grades for their UCAS application. Predicted grades are non-negotiable.

Apprenticeships/Employment routes

We fully support students who wish to pursue an employment route such as an apprenticeship. To this end, students are given full careers planning in regards to apprenticeships. Students who wish to pursue this route or are thinking about it, are identified in the initial Year 12 careers talk. A member of the careers team facilitates this.