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Our students are on their way back from the Harris In Harmony rehearsals. 🎶🎹 We look forward to seeing them on the stage representing our academy!


Welcome everyone to a new academic year! Our academic year started off with assemblies. Ms Heuston our Head of School talked about the importance of bravery. Mr Handscombe our Executive Principal discussed how to navigate life challenges (through the art of juggling) 🤹.


Today's assembly for year 13 was from Mr Handscombe and illustrated his circus skills (as a metaphor for managing the challenges of the new year)


Today is day 2 of Harris Clapham Sixth Form enrolment for September 2024 - if you've just got your GCSEs and are looking for a challenging, supportive environment for your sixth form (particularly if you're in South London) then come and find us today between 10.30 and 3pm


Congratulations to all of our Year 11s on their outstanding GCSE results. We are very proud of them all.


Enrolment day at Harris Clapham and Westminster Sixth Forms, so good luck to offer-holders getting your GCSEs, we hope to see you later. On my way in I found a beautiful conker, which I’m taking to be a good omen.


I’ve just come out of the HCL6F rewards evening and, despite being rather hungry and definitely end-of-term sleepy, I am buzzing!Great guest star in Steve Leeson of but the highlight for me was Student President Ruweida’s vote of thanks - calm, clear, assured.


This was the induction assembly for prospective students joining Year 12 in September 2024 from our Executive Principal. Wise, striking, and occasionally rhyming words.


Looking forward to our rewards evening at Harris Clapham Sixth Form - the third year is coming to an end and we have a group of amazing students to celebrate!


Happy Monday! Today at Harris Clapham Sixth Form we have an exciting Careers Day planned.To start the day off, our students had an assembly by our Vice Principal Mr Lloyd on the UCAS process


I get a badge for this one and everything!


Last week Our Year 12 Sociology, Politics and History students enjoyed a tour around the UK Parliament today. Here are some of them in the House of Lords looking as noble as any of the 92 Hereditary peers who sit in the UK's second chamber!


Last week during enrichment, walking club enjoyed the sunshine and nature in Clapham Common and had a pleasant afternoon together.


Mr Lepretre’s lexicon for this week!


An exciting House competition update. Here at Harris Clapham Sixth Form, we currently have House Morris in first place, Franklin in second and Kahlo and Mendes in joint third. With one more House competiton, there is still all to play for!


Last Friday, we had a moving Year 13 Assembly followed by a fun student led Soirée. It was a lovely way for the community to come together and celebrate Year 13’s journey with us.


It’s a two assembly week, so as well as linguistically interesting advice for year 12s, we have a timely sporting analogy for Year 13:


This afternoon’s Year 12 assembly at introduced me to a new word and has left me pondering its plural. A mumpsimus is an error determinedly continued despite correction, but is it two mumpsimi, mumpsimuses, mumpsimodes?


Exciting to see our assemblies quoted in the news (not a lot of sixth forms can claim that):


Today, our Student President Ruweida and one of our Vice Presidents Sarah went over to to deliver some words of wisdom to the Year students about how to prepare for Year 11 next year.#community

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Behaviour and Rewards

Behaviour and rewards

To ‘be the best’, all students and staff must live and breathe The Clapham Character.  We expect students to exemplify this by modelling excellent behaviour which is a foundation stone of personal and collective success. For more information about our behaviour for learning policy please click here.

Below is a summary of our expectations in terms of your behaviour and attitudes.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” Maya Angelou

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Helen Keller


Commitment is an act, not a word.” Jean-Paul Sartre


Courage – so that I will:

Confidence – so that I will:

Commitment – so that I will:

  • be the best version of myself that I can be
  • champion inclusion and make the world a better place
  • persevere and successfully meet the challenges of 6th Form studies.
  • believe in myself and what I can achieve
  • use my range of talents to the full
  • help shape my community and be a role model for modern Britain.
  • walk the talk and have the discipline to make things happen
  • work hard and take actions to achieve my full potential
  • think and act positively for others and not just myself.

Our rules for bringing The Clapham Character to life.


As a student, I:

Be committed and ready to learn/teach  

  1. complete my prep work and actively revise
  2. get to the academy and my sessions on time
  3. have all the resources needed for each session.

Be confident enough to take responsibility  

  1. will follow the dress code and wear my lanyard at all times
  2. am a role model for others, never bullying or making anyone feel unsafe
  3. will develop as a leader, including asking for help when needed.

Have the courage to stand up for the importance of respect 

  1. listen and respect the views of others
  2. protect and respect the academy environment e.g. do not drop litter
  3. will be inclusive in my language and actions.

Praise, recognition and rewards always come first, with the focus on going above and beyond.

Rewards come from going above and beyond – a reflection of going the ‘extra mile’ or a cumulation of 100% effort, dedication and hard work sustained over time, that leads to the highest possible achievements.






Attainment in subject


100% attendance in term


100% Punctuality in term


The 3 Cs awards


Leadership in action awards


End of year exams

Top in subject














Sanctions in relation to punctuality (P) and misbehaviour (M)

Stage 1

Teacher to speak to the student – focusing on the rules for bringing the Clapham Character to life


P - Late to Lesson

M - Not having the correct resources for a session

M - Bringing in sweets, fast food and fizzy drinks

M - Using foul language in conversation (not aimed at anyone)

M - Low level disruption in class e.g. interrupting teacher

M - Being off task in a session

M - initial issues with dress code 

M - Mobile phones or headphones visible outside the canteen and amphitheatre (Confiscated and given to reception, collect at the end of the day).

Stage 2

45-minute detention on the day and a phone call home from tutor/teacher


P - 6 incidences of lateness to session per term

P - Any incidence of truancy

M - 6 incidences of stage 1 misbehaviours including lateness 

M - Persistently disruptive behaviour

M - Refusing to follow instructions

M - Disrespectful comments to staff/other students

M - Continuing issues with dress code

M - Any other misbehaviour where a 45-minute detention is deemed appropriate

Stage 3

90-minute academy leadership group (ALG) detention.


Parental meeting arranged with student and Assistant Principal


P - Any second incidence of truancy

P - Reaching a 12th incidence of lateness in a term

P - Failure to attend 45-minute with no valid reason

M - Behaviour which brings the academy into disrepute

M - Refusing to hand over banned items such as sweets fizzy drinks and fast food 

M – Ongoing and unresolved issues with dress code

M - Ongoing and unresolved with disrupting learning in sessions

M - Any other serious misbehaviour where an ALG detention is appropriate

Non-attendance to an ALG detention will lead to a 1-day internal exclusion

Depending on the seriousness of issues, there may a fixed-term or internal exclusion for other poor behaviours.

Academic behaviour concerns may include failure to complete prep work, failure to meet deadlines incomplete classwork, prep or reflection work, low quality classwork, prep or reflection work, and folders deemed to be of an unacceptable standard e.g. disorganised.

Sanctions in relation to academic behaviour

Phase 1 - Student fails to meet consecutive deadlines or work does not meet the expected standards


  • Phone call home
  • Clear targets set for work which is incomplete

Phase 2 – Student has three further failures to meet deadlines or poor-quality work) to the expected standards

  • Enrolled onto regulated independent study
  • Parents to be informed by phone call
  • Teachers to set clear targets for the work students should complete in regulated independent study

Phase 3 – Student has not improved their academic behaviour and concerns remain


  • CL to arrange meeting with parents
  • Students will be on report to CL
  • Student will remain on regulated study with clear targets for work to be completed

Phase 4 - Student has still not improved their academic behaviour and concerns remain

  • A follow up parental meeting will be arranged with the student and the Assistant Principal (AP)
  • Students will be on report to the AP
  • Student will remain on regulated study with clear targets for work to be completed

If concerns remain after phase 4:

  • Student will be moved on to a learning contract and monitored by a member of ALG
  • Student will continue to remain on regulated study

If students fail their learning contracts this will lead to a disciplinary meeting with the academic board